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Islamic History

  • 10 English words borrowed from Arabic

    The Muslim world has given birth to many thinkers and many inventions – among them the three-course meal, alcohol and coffee. The best coffee bean is still known as Arabica, but…

  • Muslim History in Burma

    A coin from the Kingdom of Arakan, a Muslim state that existed in Burma in the 1500s. Muslims have lived in Burma since the 700s. Today, the Muslims of Burma, known…

  • The Greatest Architect Was A Muslim

    Islamic history is filled with genius architects. Some of the greatest monuments on earth are the product of Muslims who wanted to build beautiful structures that would show the greatness of…

  • Mali – A Gold Mine in the Desert

    Today, Mali is known as one of the poorest countries on earth. Life expectancy and literacy rates are dangerously low. A violent rebellion by the ethnic Tauregs in the North of the country…