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  • Seek the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr)

    Allah’s Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, “Seek it in Ramadan in the last ten nights. For verily, it is during the odd nights, the twenty-first, or the twenty-third, or the…

  • Night of Qadr is in the Last Seven Nights

    Narrated Ibn ‘Umar (radiallaahu anhu): Some men amongst the companions of the Prophet were shown in their dreams that the night of Qadr was in the last seven nights of Ramadan.…

  • Allah Grants Freedom from the Hell-fire

    Narrated by Jabir (radiallaahu anhu), Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, “In every day and every night, during the month of Ramadan, there are people to whom Allah grants freedom…

  • Fasting is a Shield

    Narrated Abu Huraira (radiallaahu anhu), Allah’s Apostle (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, “fasting is a shield (or a screen or a shelter). So, the person observing fasting should avoid sexual relation with…

  • Reward of Feeding a Fasting Person

    The Holy Prophet of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, “Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward.”.…