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  • British Exhibition Offers Journey to Islam

    Themed “Exhibition Islam” the two-day event gives visitors the chance to get a better understanding of the Islamic faith. The exhibition, which opened on Monday February 25, features discussions on a…

  • San Francisco runs anti-Muslim bus ads

    So, San Francisco civic officials has jumped on the bandwagon of hating Muslims, because it’s not offensive, racist or discriminatory at all to hate on 2 billion people and their beliefs…

  • Camel Hump Hijab

    The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) stated in a sahih hadith from Muslim: “There are two types of the people of Hell whom I have not seen: men in whose hands…

  • Whats with all the hate against Islam?

    We asked the question, why the fuss about Islam? What’s with all the haters? What’s with the criticism of Muslims? Is it valid, or is it completely misinformed? Here are some…

  • Gender Segregation in UCL

    As you might have heard the Islam and Athiesm debate took place few days ago between Hamza Andreas Tzortzis and Professor Lawrence Krauss in University College London (UCL). This is what…